Into the Darkness: Blindfold Passion

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“Are you ready, Kitten?”

My wrists and ankles were cuffed, outstretched into the corners of our bed, which was pretty much par for the course for us — it was a Tuesday after all — but Master had some brand-spanking-new fetish and bondage toys to play with tonight. I knew nothing about what he’d bought, only that there had been a secret shopping trip that had resulted in a hefty number at the bottom of the receipt. Master had also asked me to make the bed fresh with our one set of silk sheets before he came home (as a courtesy to me as I would be spending much of tonight lying flat on my back on them) and a hot towel so he could wipe it over me during aftercare.

Master stood over me, still in his suit from work, but his tie and jacket were draped over the back of the chair by my vanity, his shirt sleeves rolled up to reveal his strong forearms. His hand caressed my face, his eyes locked on mine.

“Yes Sir,” I responded. He smiled and ran his thumb over my lower lip, and I managed to sneak it a little kiss before he pulled his hand away. It soon returned however, now holding one of those eye mask-style blindfolds, not unlike the one I went to sleep with every night in order to block out the morning sun. The one in Sir’s hand was made of red satin, with hearts stitched onto the front. My man always was a hopeless romantic.

“You remember what we discussed about the safewords, my darling?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Go on then. Talk me through the procedure.”

“I will say ‘yellow’ the instant I want you to slow down, or if I am nearing my limit. You won’t stop what you’re doing but you’ll take it easy and check in with me until I tell you I want to go back to the higher intensity, if at all. ‘Red’ means you’ll stop straight away and remove the blindfold first, then the cuffs.”

“Good girl. Now then, I don’t know about you but I think we’re done with talking for a while…”

He swooped in to kiss me, hungrily, and with passion. I kissed him back, our lips rolling over each other’s and our tongues intertwining, eyelids heavy with desire. With his lips still just barely grazing mine, he whispered for me to keep my eyes shut, so I did. I felt his face pull away, replaced by the sensation of the blindfold’s silken material slipping over my eyes. My pussy throbbed at the thought of what I must look like to my Master, tied spread-eagle to our bed and blindfolded, eagerly and helplessly awaiting his touch. I was in the dark, both physically (to me) and metaphorically, and completely at my lover’s mercy. The vulnerability of my situation was so intimate and sensual, I could hardly take it. I kept thinking to myself, I can’t wait for what’s to come.

With my sight blocked, all of my other senses were on edge, heightened, ready for anything, and it wasn’t long before I heard a whisper-quiet rustling. It was such a subtle sound, I’m not sure I would have heard it if this blindfold hadn’t been covering my eyes. If I had to guess, I’d say that Master was rummaging in a fabric bag like the ones we keep our fetish toys in. Before I knew it, Sir was deftly swiping something feathery and soft down my chest, between my cleavage, sending pleasant shivers through my whole body.

“How is that, Kitten? Are you enjoying the warmup?”

“Ooh, it’s lovely, Sir,” I cooed in response. It must have been a feather tickler considering how light and soft it was. The feather continued tracing its way over my torso, circling my breasts and trailing up to caress the sides of my neck and collarbones before descending down each of my arms. After a short while, the feather began making its way down my navel, causing me to shudder as the ticklish sensations travelled over my ribs and stomach. Master swept the feather down the insides of my thighs and the outsides of my hips, keeping only the lightest contact with my calves as the tickler got closer to my feet, making my toes curl and flex almost uncontrollably. It was crazy to think that all this sensation was coming from just a feather — blindfolds in the bedroom were no joke when it came to enhancing sensory experiences!

“Are you ready for more, my love?”

I nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, Sir!”

“Mmm, so eager. Very well. Let’s take things up a notch, shall we?” And so, the feather tickler was put away and I heard more rustling, followed by an unexpected clinking sound, as though a wind chime made of icicles was tinkling nearby. “This won’t hurt regardless of what you choose, but do you want it fast or slow?” Sir asked.

I thought for a moment. This night was about experimenting, and I hated missing out on anything when I didn’t have to. FOMO ruled my life both in and out of the bedroom if I was being honest. “Is it possible to have both please?”

“Greedy girl,” Sir chuckled at my request. “Yes, I suppose it is possible to have both. Let’s start with the slow option.”

I almost jumped out of my skin when he introduced the next sensation over my sternum, though my squeal of shock almost instantly morphed into moans and whimpers of delight as I registered how pleasurable this intense, new feeling was. It was icy cold, yet so delicate. It felt like Master was lowering dozens of cool metal chains onto my skin, and it was as though I could feel every inch, every link, pooling on my sensitive skin and snaking around their own lengths, on top of themselves to create a rather delicious weighted sensation.

As I was catching my breath with the chains still resting on my chest, Sir gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze. “Are you alright, darling? Was that too much?”

“No,” I gasped. “But I might need some time before I find out what ‘fast’ is.”

“Of course,” Sir said, followed by a peck on the cheek. He then began to drag the chains down my body, and I felt the coldness shift from the heap between my breasts as multiple chains carved long, slender paths of pure chill down my torso. Unlike the feather tickler however, Master dragged the chains in a straight line directly down my stomach, between my legs, and I lost my damn mind all over again as the cold metal lightly kissed my clitoris when the chains draped over the edge of my pubis. I tried to control my squirming as best as I could, though I’m sure Sir was enjoying the sight of me writhing like a madwoman on our stormy grey silk sheets.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were enjoying this, Kitten,” Master teases me while I buck my body desperately before him. “That was just a little taste. Here’s a little more for you.” The clinking noise returned, and a tapping sensation started against my pussy as the chains swung back and forth, repeatedly draping themselves over my entire vulva with each dainty impact. It must have been a metal flogger of some kind, and behind the darkness of the blindfold, I imagined Master wielding the metal handle and gently swinging the chain falls up against my most intimate areas. It was enough to drive anyone wild and I could feel how soaking wet my pussy had become.

“I’m glad this is metal, because I know I’m absolutely coating these chains,” I joked. We both knew how hard it was to clean bodily fluids off of leather and so had decided to opt for silicone and metal fetish and bondage toys wherever we could.

“You aren’t making any sort of mess I’m not willing to clean, Kitten, so don’t worry about that. In fact, I could clean these right now, give you a second to catch your breath? I can remove the blindfold for you while I do that.”

“Nah, keep the blindfold on, I’m enjoying this,” I said. I heard the water run from the ensuite bathroom tap and the muffled sounds of clinking and thuds as he patted the chains dry with a towel. “We should use blindfolds more often, honey!” I called to him from the bed, and he agreed.

He reappeared by my side and asked if I was ready to resume, to which I nodded in consent.

“This will feel different than before, Kitten. Do you trust me?”

“Of course, Sir.”

“Then trust me when I say that now is a good time for ‘fast’.”

“Okay then. Fast it is.”

“Good girl.” There was that clinking again, except it sounded stifled somehow, like the chains weren’t being allowed to collide with each other in the air like normal. “Here it comes, Kitten…”

With a soft thwump, I felt all the chains fall onto my body at once, in the same spot as before, except this time, the chains were inexplicably warm. Master must have wrapped them in my hot aftercare towel, the clever bastard. Had he not warned me that this was going to feel different, I probably would have freaked out that I was going to get burned by sudden, unexpected heat, blindfold or no blindfold. Instead, it was oh-so-soothing, especially combined with the weight of the chains all landing simultaneously, as well as the heat. Even though I enjoyed the chill of the chains’ coolness from before, I was naked, and the new warmth was extremely welcome.

I sighed with a combination of pleasure and relief, revelling in the comfort of the chains lying in a pile on my chest, like a warm metal pet curled up on me, sharing its body heat. The chains were moving again now, trailing around my body and spreading their much-needed warmth all over my skin, which felt utterly heavenly in the darkness, but it wasn’t enough to combat my shivering.

“Red. Master, I’m quite cold. Can we please stop for the night and just snuggle?”

“Of course, my dear,” he said, placing the flogger down on the bed. He hurriedly removed my blindfold, and my eyes fluttered open to see his handsome, bearded face just a few inches away. “Was everything okay? Did you enjoy using the blindfold?” he asked as he unbuckled one of the cuffs around my wrists.

“Very much so,” I reassured him, sitting up and rubbing my wrists while Sir undid the ankle cuffs. “I just hit my limit and I really wanna be in some comfy pyjamas, and spend the rest of the night in your arms.”

He smiled that beautiful smile of his before handing me one of his hoodies from the wardrobe nex to the bed. “That sounds like a perfect end to a perfect evening, Kitten.”

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