Dating From Home - Sexynews #16

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Lockdown Woes

More and more couples are reluctantly accepting the new way of life and taking a new approach to dating. Most of us have heard of online dating but until now, the option to take it into real life has always been a luxury most of us simply took for granted. Now, online dating is our only safe avenue for singles to get to know each other better and date.

Advantages to Online Dating

Dating sites everywhere have begun to change their strategies to encourage prospective couples to date online during the COVID-19 crisis. While this might not sound like a pleasing outcome for many, there are also many advantages to this approach.

  1. The obvious advantage is that nobody spreads the virus and everyone stays safe and well as long as they are taking personal preventative measures to ensure their own personal safety.
  2. Many couples often rush into relationships which can ultimately lead to disappointment and heartbreak. Keeping your dating strictly online forces you to really get to know each other on a level you might not be able to achieve as easily in person. You’re forced to communicate more and in turn, you’re likely to share more about yourselves with one another.
  3. Communication is often easier when you’re not face to face. People are more likely to share more about themselves and experience less anxiety.
  4. The anticipation and build up can be more rewarding. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well there is a lot of truth to this, even for people you haven’t met face to face with yet.
  5. Some research has shown that marriages born from online relationships were less likely to end during the first year. Evidence shows that people looking for love online are more committed to making a relationship work because it’s something they want beforehand.
  6. Dating online has always provided an advantage to those who experience difficulty dating in real life. While someone may be shy and less likely to put him or herself out there in the real world as available, they might be more readily available to do so online and you never know. That person might be your dream date!
  7. Your choice in potential partners is more diverse, giving you more options to choose from. You don’t have to just settle for the best man or woman who comes along. Take your time and get to know each person you speak to. See if there’s a real connection worth pursuing into the real world.

Dating Platforms

There are a variety of apps and platforms available to make online dating even more satisfying. In today’s world, we have more options than ever before. We can video chat, voice chat, text chat and we even have virtual reality chat. And if you’re ready to take the next step and engage in sexual play, there are toys designed specifically for that!

Sex Toys offer the Safest Sex You’ll Never Have!

In a time when we’re told to socially distance ourselves from one another, people still want ways to connect. Now, more than ever, it is important to stay connected. Relationships at any level need connectivity to blossom and thrive. We are lucky to live at a time when long distance connectivity is a real possibility. With lockdowns potentially lasting for months, many people are asking how they can still enjoy sexual intimacy with others while practising social distancing. Choose from some of Sexyland's hottest range of We-Connect app controlled sex toys.

App-Controlled Sex Toys

Sexyland offers a large variety of sex toys that work through phone apps, that allow you and your sexual partner to engage in sexual intimacy from any distance. We previously introduced some of these toys in our last newsletter. This time, we want to help you explore the real possibilities these toys offer.


We-Vibe is by far, the most popular brand in sex toys that enable couples to experience long distance intimacy. The We-Vibe sex toys use the app, We-Connect that is incredibly easy to install and use. You simply download it from your app store onto your phone or device, open the app and connect to your toy via bluetooth. You can also connect to a partner who you can then relinquish control to.

The control panel is really quite intuitive and offers many options including video and voice chat. When your partner takes control, they can use the finger swipe panel to guide the toy’s vibrations to hit just the right spots. He or she can also control the intensity so that you feel exactly what your partner wants you to feel… or what you want to feel if you’re the one in control. You can choose the modes, intensity and duration you like best and save those settings to use later. Another great feature allows you to vibe to the rhythm of your favourite songs, which can be quite exciting if you share an intimate song with a lover.

Other Choices

Other popular toy brands that provide app controlled stimulation include Lovense and Pretty Love. These apps also allow you to connect to your toy for long distance sexual intimacy with their own individualised set of controls to make sex play more personal and exciting.


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